Flourish with Ease: Low-Maintenance Flowering Plants for Arkansas

In the heart of Arkansas, where the sun shines bright, and the summers can be scorching, a gardener’s dream is to find low-maintenance flowering plants that survive and thrive with minimal care.  Exploring the Beauty and Ease of Low-Maintenance Flowering...

Spring into Action! Time to Plant Your Flowers!

The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer, and the flowers are starting to bloom. There’s no denying it—spring is in the air! And what better way to celebrate the season than by planting beautiful flowers in your garden? But with so many...

Top Five Blooming Plants for the Fall

Fall is a beautiful time of year filled with color. It brings leaf changes, cool weather, and everything flavored with pumpkin spice. But several fall flowers begin to bloom as well.  Top Five Fall Flowers for Your  Fall, colorful, hardy flowers look...

Mosquito-Repelling Plants for Your Outside Living Space

Looking for a way to eliminate mosquitos in your garden and outdoor space without using chemical repellents? Outsmart them by adding mosquito-repelling plants to confuse and deter them.  9 Natural Mosquito-Repelling Plants  Used strategically, adding...

Attracting Pollinators: National Garden Week

Buzzing bees, fluttering butterflies, and zooming hummingbirds are fun to watch. But they do more than entertain. They help fuel life. Pollinators carry pollen to other plants to create seeds and reproduce. Without these helpful insects, nothing would grow. Attracting...

Get Your Lawn Ready for Spring: February To-Do List

We may have six more weeks of winter, according to Punxsutawney Phil, but don’t let that discourage you if you’re ready to see spring weather. He’s been wrong before! In the meantime, get your lawn ready for spring with this February to-do list.  Check Your Trees...